Wow! Have fun!

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What an amazing adventure! Bedankt voor het delen. 😊

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Love the elephant photo series!

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Thanks Alex!

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Loved reading the newsletter! Especially about the elephant!

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Thanks Sini!

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OOO so jealous! That trip is going to be a blast! Just be sure to soak any treats called a "Rusk" in tea for about 1/2 hour, otherwise they're like biting into a brick.

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Haven’t seen any Rusk, but will keep it in mind. ☺️

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We had rusks in England when I was growing up. They were for babies though. Not the same thing, surely?

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The ones I had in South Africa were a mix of seeds, nuts, and scone—with a heavy dose of tooth crushing cement. Then again, maybe it was my mistake where at the home I was staying, I confused which table had breakfast items, and which had wall repair materials. :)

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A glimmer for me this post. I love your exuberance and the smile on your face with the elephant - so good. How bloody extraordinary is this planet eh!?!

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