Thanks for talking about your strategies for doing daily comics! I repeatedly resolve to prioritize it over everything else - just draw something first thing in the morning - and that works until life happens. Argh. Taking a small sketchbook with me wherever I go has helped some, though I still feel very self-conscious sketching in public places.

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Me too, I hate to draw in public. I wish I could do cafe sketching, I know I it would improve my work greatly, but it’s SO hard!

Prioritizing it, that’s the key for me as well. Otherwise it just nags at me the entire day and I’ll overthink and end up not making anything while being mad at myself. 😄

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Your slice-of-life posts are fun and I'm inspired by how you've stuck with it. You set a good example.

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Ah thanks! ☺️

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I've struggled of late to get to drawing - I might just play with a daily drawing, no sketch, no obligation to share, thanks for the inspiration! xo

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Oh yes, sharing your work can also get in the way. When you start you wonder if your readers will like what you’re doing that will suck the fun right out of it.

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Every time I read your comics, they put a smile on my face. They are so funny and relatable, thank you! Have a wonderful Sinterklaas evening!

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Thank you Caroline ☺️

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Here in Germany, we celebrate Nikolaus (St. Nicholas) on December 6th! Children put their boots outside or in front of the fireplace if the house has one in the evening of December 5th, and they're filled with treats in the morning (nowadays kids often get gifts that don't fit in the boots as well, I grew up poor and we "only" got nuts, tangerines and some chocolate in the boots, most importantly a chocolate Santa). My parents never told us that Santa, Nikolaus or the Easter Bunny were real. I always knew that gifts come from my family and I thanked them for each one. It was never a mystery to me why my friend had all the new Barbies I wanted and I didn't. Her dad was a doctor. I personally prefer it that way. My little half-sister is 22 years younger, (8 now) and believes that the mountains of presents she receives for every Christmas are from Santa. Her parents work hard to buy them and deserve some credit

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Oh that’s very similar to what we do. We set our shoes near the fire place (or something similar, since barely anyone has one these days). In my family, we do really small gifts in the shoes, usually some candy. And then on Dec 5th we have the bigger gifts with poems. I like to have lots of gifts so we have a lot to unwrap, but I wrap stuff that I would usually buy as well, like new pajamas or some games I thrifted.

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Yay, dailies! Welcome back! I love your style.

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Thanks ☺️

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Hahaha dat van Sinterklaas, zo herkenbaar. M’n dochtertje (4) vroeg laatstbedoelde hij bestaat, want n klasgenootje had gezegd van niet. Ik heb nooit gezegd dat hij wél bestaat en nu ze ernaar vroeg heb ik t uitgelegd. Dacht ik. Blijkt dat ze het concept “bestaan” nog niet snapt 😂

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Haha. Grappig hè, de aannames die wij doen die voor kinderen niet logisch zijn. En ik vind het zo mooi dat fantasie en werkelijk veel meer naast elkaar kunnen bestaan bij kinderen. Voor ons bestaat Sinterklaas niet. Maar een kind ziet een cadeautje in de schoen en zegt: zie je nou, Sint bestaat wel. En eigenlijk is dat natuurlijk ook zo.

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so happy to receive your newsletter and comics. I love them all.

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Oh that is so lovely to hear! Thank you Marianna!

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