As someone who has worked alone and had to move a lot and land in places with new people I would like to share a couple ideas that might be helpful.

First, dont just move your studio to this place, because you might feel like theres now several people in a place where you have worked by yourself for so long. You can try and get a couple tokens to feel comfortable but let yourself know this is a new place and that you can always go back to your fortress if you need a bit of recharging.

Also I used to get great stuff on garage sales and also talking with the people at the shop as some wanted to get new items for their spaces and they would sell you or even just let you borrow it. This also helps with reducing waste and having to move big things around.

I wish you a wonderful experience!

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Aaaah, that is helpful. Yes, I probably need some quiet time as well. I’ll take your advice and give myself some time to adjust.

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OMG, that is great news! Sometimes it's good for creative people to be around other creative people and YES, you can post funny stories about office policies, people, etc...good material!

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Wat een mooi iets Liesbeth, heel veel plezier daar en zeker weten inspiratie van anderen en de plek.

Je nederlandse uitdrukkingen kende ik nog niet, maar ze zijn goed! Groet Marjon

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Ik heb die uitdrukkingen zelf bedacht 😄 En ik denk dat je wel kunt raden in welk gebouw ik ga werken?

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Jul 16Liked by Betje

Supergaaf!! Veel plezier!

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great stuff

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I hope it is a nice change for you, sounds fun! Being around other artists has always been my main inspiration to create. But for the creating part, I have to be alone. Around anyone else, concentration just does not happen.

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