Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to shame anyone who had a real Christmas tree. I’m talking about the culture I live in, where ‘Christmas tree pick up day’ is on the calendar because obviously, we all want to get rid of that thing come January. Stores are saying that with the tree gone, we need a big plant. Where does that plant go next december, I wonder? Maybe we don’t have to buy into all this.
We bought a fake tree a few years ago, because we always forgot pick up day and watching our tree slowly die in our backyard made me sad. My understanding is that it takes about ten years of use for a fake tree to be the more sustainable option, so we went with plastic hoping our tree won’t fall apart before then.
Here’s what I didn’t take into account and it’s only occurring to me now:
What is the story we tell each other when we put our Christmas tree out on the curb for pick up? And could it be, that those stories matter more than the actual impact of the decisions we make, because those seep into so many other decisions?
In our house, we like to name our plants.
I’m sad to report that Noodle didn’t make it. Let’s hope that Lorax will stay with us for years to come.
Lorax makes me think of palm trees and fireworks, to no surprise; Los Angeles has been on my mind all week. I didn’t want to send this out without mentioning my favourite city that is currently burning, although I really don’t know what to say. I’m aware that there are lists circulating with all the causes you can donate to, I always find them quite overwhelming. So here are two options I think are great, if you would like to do something to help:
Alexis Hoopes is someone I personally know, who lost the house she moved into with her family last October. Here’s their Gofundme.
[EDIT: I didn’t know this when I sent out this newsletter, our incredible neighbour’s oldest son also lost his home. Here’s his Gofundme.]
Direct Relief is a wonderful organisation that is providing aid all over the world, you can donate to a specific cause, including the L.A. wildfires.
With love,
The idea of naming the plants is quite interesting!
The Lorax is wonderful!